Friday 24 February 2023

First proper start

The new tickler and float valve seat arrived and were installed. It was a pain working with the temporary fuel tank so I decided to fit the proper fuel tank. 

But first I wanted to give it a bit of a clean out with some vinegar and old bolts to remove any rust flakes. That revealed a pin hole leak. After a bit of internet research it looked fairly straightforward to solder the hole and indeed it was. I used plumbers flux and solder that I already had and a blowtorch to get a decent amount of heat into the metal before applying the solder. That is the key to it - heat the metal not the solder.

A bit messy but once filed down it looks fine and most importantly was fuel right.

So I installed the tank and added half a gallon of fuel and tried again - a bit of coughing and spluttering but she still wouldn’t quite run properly. Then I tried tweaking the electronic ignition to advance the firing slightly and - BINGO!

She was revving a bit high and I couldn’t adjust the idle speed down but then realised that there was no slack in the throttle cable. A bit of tweaking and she sounded much nicer 🙂

I’m sure there will be some fine tuning etc required once everything is together but I couldn’t be happier with that. 

For now, Anna has been covered up for a rest while I move onto the painting!

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