Monday 19 July 2021

Frame Repainting

I've been putting off doing the frame because I knew it would be a horrible, dirty job stripping the old paint off. But I had a pretty free day today; it was sunny and there was no-one home to disturb with the power drill going for a while, so I decided to go for it today. I was right - it was a horrible, dirty job. But a couple of hours and 2 rust stripping wheels had it all removed.

The new bushes have now been pressed into the swinging arm, so that was back and I had already stripped that before it went to be worked on. 


Next job was to get a couple of coats of red lead primer brushed on ready for the enamel. I love days like today - a few hours work has taken me from grimy frame to nicely prepped and ready for the top coat on the next free day.

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