Monday 23 May 2022

Engine 2 - Lubrication system

As mentioned in the last post, I've been following the Jack Gray engine rebuild "bible" and particularly the part about ensuring all of the oilways are clear and servicable. It really helps to understand how it all works!

Lots of wire and pipe cleaner later, I was happy that we have no furred up arteries.

The first part of reassembly (at last) was to install the filter and pipe manifold system - the brass and copper parts in the photo below. The 40 year old gasket set came out and, amazingly, I found exactly the right number of exactly the right type of bolts in the big box of clean jigsaw pieces to bolt it in place! Let's hope things carry on in this manner please.

The 4 small holes that you can see in the top left of the case feed the back of the oil pump and it was most satisfying to inject oil down the holes and see it appear somewhere else in the engine! Even more satisfyingly, it came out in the correct place!

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